This is a visual book summary of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson. This book is the polar opposite of mainstream self-help. The path to happiness is in embracing adversity and giving a fewer f*cks about things in life. Do not try to be positive all the time instead face the truth and harshness of life to grow and develop as a person.

Visual Book Summary Of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson (Infographic)

Book Summary of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson

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Here are some of my insights from the infographic visual book summary of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson:

1. Don’t Try

Our present culture is too focused on positivity. Be more and do more! It only  reminds us that  we are inadequate which gives rise to the Feedback Loop from Hell!

You get fixated on trying to attain the unrealistic standards set by the culture which makes you feel like crap that traps you in a insidious loop.

You feel bad about feeling bad.

The antidote to this toxic culture is to “give less f*cks” and not pursue positivity but embrace the negative aspects of life and grow.

The subtle art of not giving a f*uck does NOT mean being apathetic. It means reserving your f*cks for things that truly matter. So choose carefully what you’ll give a f*uck about.

2. Happiness Is A Problem

Happiness is NOT a solvable equation:

Achieve X --->  Happiness X
Become Y  --->  Happiness X 
Marry Z   --->  Happiness X 

Rather happiness is a result of solving problems in a never-ending loop because each new solution creates a brand new problem.

So don’t deny problems or play the victim!

Emotions are overrated and not a tool for decision-making. 

Positive emotions are the rewards for taking proper actions and negative emotions are a call to action.

On the path to success, there is struggle so choose what you are willing to struggle for!

3. You Are Not Special

High self-esteem leads to delusion, entitlement and a false sense of self-confidence.

It stagnates our growth as we take credit for positive outcomes and shift blame for negative outcomes.

If you believe your problem is unsolvable then it makes you think you are special and you deserve to be treated in a special way. 


Your problem is NOT special as millions have experienced it and solved it. This realisation is the first step to solve your problems. 

You are NOT special.

Embrace and accept  the ordinary to grow as a person. You can always improve so keep learning.

With great responsibility comes great power.

Mark Manson

4. The Value Of Suffering

What cause are you willing to suffer for?

Uncover your values by:

  1. Understanding your emotions
  2. Asking “why” we feel these emotions
  3. What are your values

A good value is socially constructive, within one’s control and based in reality.

A good life is living with good values and not giving a f*ck about everything else.

What follows below are the five counterintuitive values that one can adopt to live a full life. 

5. You Are Always Choosing

A problem is NOT painful when we chose it and are responsible for it.

What are you choosing to give a f*ck about?

It may NOT be your fault but it is still your responsibility to deal with the consequences.

Accept responsibility and get more power over your life. Don’t play the victim or assign the blame.

Always take responsibility. 

When you change values there will always be resistance from people around you. Accept that and move on!

6. You’re Wrong About Everything (But So Am I)

Everyone is WRONG about everything and that’s OK as growth is an endless loop of going from wrong to slightly less wrong. 

Human brain is NOT accurate so we create meanings to our beliefs but all our beliefs are wrong.

So trust yourself less!

Certainty is unattainable and its pursuit creates more insecurity. 

Manson’s Law Of Avoidance: The more something threatens our identity, the more we avoid it!

To improve, you need to KILL the old you.

Ask these 3 questions to be less certain of self:

  1. What if I am wrong?
  2. What would it mean if I am wrong?
  3. Does being wrong create a better or worse problem that the current problem for myself and others?

7. Failure Is The Way Forward

Fear of failure stifles our growth and this fear comes from choosing bad values. 

Failure is part of the process of becoming successful. All successful people have failed. 

Reframe failure as practice

Don’t be afraid of failing.

The “Do Something” Principle: Take action and don’t wait to become motivated. The result of action is often motivation.

Action —–> Inspiration —–> Motivation 

8. The Importance OF Saying No

If you say YES to everyone and everything then you are NOT standing for anything.

Give a f*ck about something you value and reject the rest!

In relationships, do NOT play the role of victim (make others responsible for your problem) or saver (take responsibility for other person’s problems).

Instead support each other as each person solves their own problems and grows as a person.

Trust is essential in relationships. But how to build it?

Be honest with your partner. It builds trust.

Don’t avoid confrontation as two close people should have the ability to sort things out. 

There is freedom in commitment. Committing to something that truly matters liberates you from the trivialities of life. It enriches your life.

9. …And Then You Die

Humans are blessed with the ability to think conceptually and this allows us to live in the past as well as the future.

However, this leads to terror of death so we avoid thinking about it causing us to give too many f*cks.

Confronting the reality of our own death is a positive as it forces us to focus on what’s really important.

There is nothing to be afraid of and this liberates us to live a life worth living.

Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The solution to one problem is merely the creation of another.

Mark Manson

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