This is a visual book summary of Love Is The Killer App by Tim Sanders. This book is a success primer that follows 3-steps: 1. increase your knowledge, 2. expand your network, and 3. share your compassion.
Table of Contents
Visual Book Summary Of Love Is The Killer App by Tim Sanders (Infographic)

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Here are some of my insights from the infographic visual book summary of Love Is The Killer App by Tim Sanders:
The first step is to accumulate knowledge so that you can share it with others in a practical manner. This benefits both parties.
Spend 80% of your time reading books and 20% consuming articles and news.
4-Step Program for Knowledge
1. Aggregation
Read books that are related to your job.
Search for several keywords or phrases. Go online and check out sites like which are a treasure trove for recommendations as well as related titles.
Look for book recommendations in related journals or magazines.
Ask friends for recommendations.
2. Encoding
Find favourite places to read. It can be during commute or a dedicated place at home or work.
Make reading a habit.
Tag a book by underlining things like definitions, big statements (kernel of the book), quotable and stories. Write notes on the margin.
Cliff a book by writing a simple one line summary about the book’s ideas, definition and data points. Write this on the blank pages of the book along with a page number.
Most electronic book readers and apps makes it easy to cliff and tag.
Develop your own unique system.
3. Processing
Review major sections of a book before moving on. Refer to your cliffs.
After 30 minutes, close the book and let your mind drift.
Write a review of the book summarising the big thought.
Form or join a book club.
Go over the cliffs of the book.
If you find related articles to the book, tear the article and insert it inside the book.
4. Application
Application is all about sharing to benefit your peers. Consider these steps to apply the knowledge you have acquired:
- Step 1: Own the book’s big thought. If possible, draw it out as it will help you to solidify the book’s big thought.
- Step 2: Visualise a discussion. Review the scenes of your work life and visualise where and with whom you can share the thoughts from the book to add value/
- Step 3: Look for insert points. Pay attention when people share their problems, questions and worries.
- Step 4: Play doctor and prescribe your knowledge from the books to your contacts to solve their problems, answer their questions and allay their worries.
Here it is all about being a business matchmaker based on the business issue or problem at hand.
Be generous with your contacts and connect them without any ulterior motive.
Your network is your net worth!
3-Step System for Network
1. Collecting
Every person is potentially relevant so don’t screen anyone out.
Creating a system for storing and retrieving a contact’s details is vital.
Carry business cards and swap. Organise and input a new contact’s details regularly into your system. Make it a habit!
Always follow-up quickly and mention something about your connection in your follow-up.
2. Connecting
Be proactive and discerning when you connect people.
Always listen out for the value people provide and the needs people have. Examine the person’s character and their business needs before linking.
Link quickly so that you don’t come across as calculative.
Be generous. Share your opportunities with your network.
3. Disappearing
Remain active only until the relationship is forged then get out.
Disappear without any expectations. Tangible and intangible benefits will happen when you least expect it.
Increases your trust factor and your efficiency of matchmaking.
Why Show Compassion?
- Makes a difference on how people view you and how they view themselves!
- Better experience with your business peers, partners and prospects
- Memorable: You become memorable and that is good for business.
- Commitment: Keeps you focused and committed on knowledge and community building.
- Buys forgiveness: We all make mistakes from time to time and it makes forgiveness natural from people to whom you have showed compassion.
2-Step Process for Compassion
1. Sensing
Keep your senses ready. Notice body language and figure out the minimum and maximum level of comfort of others.
Assess how approachable people are and act accordingly.
Timing is vital.
Watch out for cues and only act when expressing compassion is permissible.
2. Expressing
Start with your eyes and develop kind eyes that gives others confidence.
Smile genuinely.
Use warm words to express yourself.
Hug in stages as not everyone is comfortable with hugs.
Use the power of the handshake.
Always be on a lookout to express compassion during salutations, conversations and short interactions.
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